A few photos from the last few months at Rancho Vedado
Our 88 year-old veteran, Corporal Tom Scott from Lancaster, PA, returns to Vedado to attempt a 4-animal sweep and SUCCEEDS!
He bagged a Persian sheep, an Addax, a Sika deer, and a Scimitar Horned Oryx (waiting on photo of Oryx).
Little Kev (Keopp) and Grandad shot a nice whitetail at a great blind we call New Tree. After the first shot, the buck got up and ran. Several of us (guides included) and Gus the dog tracked this deer for hours and into the next day with no luck. Three days later, Kev and Kev were back in the blind when the same buck arrived at the same blind…. UNBELIEVABLE !
Notice the wound across the neck (the first shot). All is well that ends well. Well done Kev!
Huge birds were harvested this year, including one 30 lb. Rio Grande Turkey (confirmed) by Louisiana hunter “Tedro” Teddy Baham. Also, a 26 lb., and two others in the 22 lb. range were all taken during opening week. All in all, our best season, with many Rios left for next year!
~ Steve